The GDPA-2023 Conference provides for publishing a Book of Abstracts (with ISBN assignment) before its opening and Conference Proceedings after its closing.
The Book of Abstracts will contain all abstracts accepted at the Congress website. Each abstract should not exceed one page in A4 format. For abstract preparation, see "Abstract Guidelines".
The Conference Proceedings will be published in a special issue of the journal «Materials. Technologies. Design» included in the RISC database (with the assignment of DOI to each article) in 2023. The Proceedings will contain only manuscripts presented by their authors at the Conference. For manuscript preparation, see "Manuscript Guidelines".
Extended versions of selected articles will be published in journals «Вестник УГАТУ» (included in VAK list as K1, RISC), «Physics of metals and metallography (Физика металлов и металловедение)» (included in VAK list as K1, RSCI, translated version indexing by SCOPUS, WoS), «Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics» (included in VAK list as K1, RSCI, translated version indexing by SCOPUS) in the first quarter of 2024.
Please, pay attention! Each participant can submit only two reports. Abstracts should conform to the guidelines; otherwise, the materials can be excluded from publication.
Submit your abstracts as PDF files till May 15, 2023.
For abstract preparation, see
Each abstract should be written in English and should not exceed one page in A4 format (210×297 mm). Please, be concise for rational use of the format, keeping in mind that the materials will be published “as is” in Book of Abstracts.
In order to submit an abstract, please login to your personal area in GDPA-2023 website.
Abstract structure
Use Times New Roman font and A4 format (210×297 mm) in portrait orientation with margins 2.8 cm (top), 2.0 cm (bottom), 2.0 cm (left), 2.0 cm (right); binding 0 cm. Tables, figures, and references are possible if fit in the template.
Title: 11 pt, bold, roman, centered, all capitalized, first line indent 0 pt, spacing 6 pt before and 9 pt after, no word wrapping.
Author Names: 9 pt, italic, centered, all capitalized, first line indent 0 pt, spacing 6 pt before and after. Underline the name of a presenting author.
Author Affiliation: 9 pt, italic, centered, first line indent 0 pt, spacing 0 pt before.
1Affiliation, City, Country
2Affiliation, City, Country
Main Text: 11 pt, roman except for quantity symbols (E, B, n, etc.), first line indent 0.8 cm, spacing 0 pt before and after, single line spacing, justified, no hanging line, no hyphenation. Use standard mathematical functions and chemical elements, bold italic for vectors and roman for Greek letters!
Figures: text wrapped, centered, first line indent 0 pt, spacing 6 pt before and 0 pt after.
Figure Legends: 9 pt, roman, centered, first line indent 0 pt, spacing 6 pt before and after.
Formulae: tap stops 8.5 cm, centered, numbers right aligned 17 cm, spacing 2 pt before and after, no first line indent below.
References: 8 pt, roman, first line indent 0 pt, spacing 0 pt before. Heading: 10 pt, roman, centered, all capitalized.
The Conference Proceedings will be published in a special issue of the journal «Materials. Technologies. Design» included in the RINC database (with the assignment of DOI to each article) in 2023. The Proceedings will contain only manuscripts presented by their authors at the Conference.
For manuscript preparation, please use Manuscript Guidelines and
Manuscript Guidelines in Russian.
Pay attention!
- Your manuscripts should conform to the guideline; otherwise, the materials can be excluded from publication.
- Manuscripts may be written in Russian or English.
- Materials for post-conference publications will be peer-reviewed.
- For any conference report only one publication in Conference Proceedings is acceptable.
Note. Extended versions of selected articles will be published in journals «Вестник УГАТУ» included in VAK list as K1, RINC), «Physics of metals and metallography (Физика металлов и металловедение)» (included in VAK list as K1, RSCI, RINC, translated version indexing by SCOPUS, WoS), «Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics» (included in VAK list as K1, RSCI, RINC, translated version indexing by SCOPUS) in the first quarter of 2024.